[Speech] 5/3 System Implementation, Are You Ready? Gilbert Yang / MAYO Human Capital Inc.



For this week’s e-HR class, we invited IHRD alumnus Gilbert Yang as a speaker. Being a Senior Consultant at MAYO Human Capital Inc., Gilbert not only introduced positions and their job descriptions in an e-HR company, but also shared the functions of HRD and HRM in an e-HR system. MAYO is the sole distributor of the top e-HR system Cornerstone on Demand, which focuses on talent management and development. The system includes many modules such as performance, learning, development, recruiting, and so on. Cornerstone on Demand helps companies carry out their performance management and talent development activities by integrating these modules in the e-HR system.

Today’s speech helped us further understand how the e-HR system works in real life. We at IHRD really appreciate Gilbert for taking his time to come back to school and share such a precious experience with us.




(Sherry Chu, senior student)

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